Turn off Facebook Email Notifications

Stop the emails of new comments and those pesky application invites. Save facebook for after hours, limit yourself to the number of minutes, hours, days lost being distracted by ‘take this test’ or use this applcation blah blah or keep your facebook activities within facebook by turning off your facebook email notifications.
To turn off your email notification do the following in Facebook: (You’re probably logged in right now so clicking the link will take you to the right page :) )

turn off facebook email notifications

1. Click account
2. Click Notifications
3. Now untick ALL the notifications you do not wish to receive
4. Click Save Changes

Dpending on your selection of Facebook notifications you’ve unticked you might get a message that resembles the following:

You will not receive email notifications when someone:

* Sends you a message
* Adds you as a friend
* Writes on your Wall
* Pokes me
* Tags you in a photo
* Tags you in a note
* Tags one of your photos
* Invites you to join a group
* Invites you to an event
* Requests to join a group of which I am an admin
* Requests to join an event of which I am an admin
* Comments on your notes
* Comments on your photos
* Comments on your posted items
* Comments on a photo of me
* Comments after you in a photo
* Comments after you in a note
* Comments after you in a posted item
* Tags you in a video
* Comments on your videos
* Comments on a video of me
* Replies to your discussion board post
Blog Author Written by
Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).