5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Facebook Page

5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Facebook Page
People usually take one of two paths when it comes to Facebook pages. Either they set up a page and expect fans by virtue of Facebook having millions of users or they work to get as many likes as possible, creating online ghost towns devoid of any activity. These approaches are wrong; you cannot get traffic without effort and that traffic needs to serve a purpose. So when this article talks about traffic, we must remember that the focus is on qualified traffic. That is to say, we want traffic that will help generate revenue in some way. Here's a few ways we can do that.

1. Offer Exclusive Content

Facebook Notes are an underutilized tool by many people. When a page or person writes a note, that note is usually visible only to people who have permission to see it (fans and friends). If you run a business or blog, you can increase qualified traffic by telling people that liking your Facebook page grants them access to deals or information not available to the public. The traffic you'll receive will be in a mood to engage with your material and may generate revenue for your business.

2. Run Contests

Much in the spirit of offering exclusive content, if you run a contest using Facebook you're likely to receive new leads for your business. The goal here is to offer a prize that's related to your service - free consulting, a discounted product you already sell, and so forth. Offering a free iPad, while sure to get more followers, won't do anything for your business if you are in a field that doesn't relate to iPads or people who buy iPads. I suggest Wildfire for your contest needs. And no, I'm not affiliated with them in any way, I just think the product is useful. Your contest needs metrics, and Wildfire offers them.

3. Display It Publicly

If you run a brick and mortar business, tell people about your page. Place the information on signs, brochures, and advertisements. People don't go to a site they haven't heard of, and just because you're on Facebook doesn't mean people have heard of your particular page. Make it obvious that you want people to join and give them an incentive to do so.

Note: these incentives should never be aimed just to get people to like your page. You should always have a clear reason for getting people to like you on Facebook. Getting people to interact with your brand on the social network can raise awareness and help you to insulate your customers from your competition. The space in their newsfeed filled with timely updates from you is space not filled by your competitor.

4. Get Involved Yourself

Pages are created by people. If you've developed a personal network on Facebook, you can promote your page in ways that are below the radar. I don't recommend inviting all your friends or posting all over their walls. This will annoy them. This will make them defriend you. This will make them think less of your business. This will make you less of a man (or woman). Your personal network is likely to interact favorably only to the extent that their friendship with you requires. No more, and perhaps a little less. But if you have links on your profile to your page and occasionally make reference to it in status updates, you should be fine. Just don't overdo it.

5. Make the Page Look Good

Put up pictures, videos, and useful content. Import your blog, reply to comments, and mention the interactions you have on Facebook on your blog. By doing so, you create an attractive environment where people can interact with your brand. You create a space full of activity, which gets people to come back time and again.

About writer: Brandon is a self professed elephant enthusiast and a San Jose and Sacramento SEO specialist. For fresh insights on SEO and social media, he suggests you check out why you should subscribe to his newsletter.
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