Are eBooks As Good As Paper Books?

Are eBooks As Good As Paper Books?In the last few years there has been a dramatic shift in how we read. The Internet has been growing steadily for well over a decade now, but it is only relatively recently that eBooks have started to rise in popularity.
A few years ago an eBook was seen as a step backwards from the Internet. They were produced in only pdf format and could only be read on computers. The pdf files themselves were not indexed in the search engines as Google and the others could only read HTML pages.
However, some publishers preferred to work with pdf ebooks as they maintained more control over the layout of the book and they were harder to copy and spin into new web pages, so a few people persevered and wrote ebooks rather than webpages.

The main advantage of an ebook was soon discovered - it could be sold. An eBook can be written and marketed just like a traditional book but then sold online, either delivered by email or downloaded direct by the customer. This marked the big step in the development of eBooks as a business model. The greatest thing about an ebook is that once produced it costs nothing to duplicate, so sales are never limited by stock and clients never need to wait before receiving a copy.

Because of this we have seen a huge increase in demand for ebook readers in recent years. The Amazon Kindle is the most famous ebook reader, but the Apple iPad and Google Android tablets are all making eBooks more popular. Unlike with websites you can access your eBooks on your tablets when you have no Internet connection, so you can download books to read later.

The growth in sales of eBooks has been steady and gone almost unnoticed by many people. Earlier this year Amazon reported that eBook sales were now higher than traditional books. Just think about that - more people are buying eBooks than are buying paper books. This is in the world where still many people are not even online or even lucky enough to own a computer.

However, are ebook as good as paper books? The answer is yes, and arguably they are better. You can now travel with hundreds of books stored on your tablet device, gone are the days of having to choose which book to take on holiday.

The market for ebooks is set to be massive. There is still so much more room for growth. Currently there are now more and more fiction titles available, but non-fiction still plays a major role in eBook sales.

Author Byline: Some of the oldest and most popular ebooks are on the subject of health and fitness, such as The Truth About 6 Pack Abs. People like to own a copy of a fitness guide or diet plan rather than just reading abbreviated information online. You can find all the best fitness eBooks at
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