Get Thousands of Friends on Facebook very Fast

Nowadays, Facebook is at the top of social networking sites list. Almost every Internet user is using facebook. Some are addicted to facebook games and some are using Facebook to connect with their family and friends. With these, there are also some marketers who use facebook just to advertise their business because facebook gives them very good amount of traffic and leads.

get thousands of friends on facebook fast

Some of the Facebook users were asking me how I make thousands of friends on facebook. For the people who don't know please see my profile on facebook. I nearly have 5000 friends that is the maximum limit of an account.
So here is how to get these friends on facebook like me:

First of all goto the website of Mafia Wars friends adder and follow the steps.. don't forget to add your own email in this list. It will give you lot of friends requests.
And then go to this application
Add your email here and it will give you email list of FB users.
Use this app everyday and gain more and more friends.
Search some mafia wars pages on facebook, in the discussion board tab, you will find very huge lists of facebook email lists. copy those lists and use with the method that you have learned by those applications. Don't forget to add your email in those lists. You can search for these pages in FB search bar.
Like as many pages and groups on facebook as you can.
Also keep your profile Interesting and Update your status regularly, it will also help you to get more and more friends requests.
I will also write a tutorial about how to confirm all facebook requests automatically.
Please share this article, the more you will share, the more Friends you will get.
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Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).