Facebook "Suggest to Friends" select all Friends at once

Here is "Suggest to Friends" select all cheat code. When you want to "Suggest" a Facebook page to all your friends but hate clicking and scrolling them one by one by one... there's an easy way to select
all at once! Here's how you do it:
On the page you want to suggest, click on the "Suggest to Friends"...
A pop up will appear for you to select friends, right click on All and select "Open link in new tab".
(You can also try it in the same tab but it doesn't work for some users.)

Facebook suggest to friends select all

That pop up will now again open in a new tab,
go to your browser's address bar and add
this code...

javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}
Facebook suggest to firneds select all

Now hit Enter and you will see all friends are selected.
Facebook suggest to friends select all

Now click Send Invitations and done. If you have too much friends, then it may take some time
In last,  close the tab that you opened separately..
Note: If that code does not works for you, then try this code:
javascript: fs.select_all()

Finally, there is now a Chrome extension called Facebook Invite All, so if you are using the Chrome browser you can pick that up and it will add the ability to invite all your friends – and there is a GreaseMonkey script for Firefox to Invite All Friends if you want to try that as well..
Oh, and by the way, if you found this helpful please tweet or share on Facebook to help others too.
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