Hack your Facebook profile Picture

Just about a month ago, Facebook gave the profile a new look! some people liked this new design but some people still want the previous design back. I also use facebook and in my point of view, new style looks good.
Anyway, lets come to the point! due to this big change, some designers tried to make some fun and some of them are now giving a very exciting service for your profile picture.
See this picture below.................

hack facebook profile picture
It really looks awesome! isn't it ?
If you still have old profile, then go get the new profile first Here.
There are lots of apps on facebook to make your profile picture creative.
one of them which worked for me well is
This app doesn't need to do any big effort, just upload the picture you want to apply and it will automatically adjust it in the right position!
You can also resize and move your image to fit in the location!

You will be automatically tagged in those pictures and in last step you have to make a picture as your profile picture and done!

Now see your profile and TadaA! you have hacked your profile picture :)
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Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).