How to Write Bold/Underline in Facebook chat

How to Write Bold/Underline in Facebook chat
Today when I was just wondering around in Facebook and had nothing to do in morning! I thought to chat in any group! so I saw all groups I have joined and decided to get in to group of my University.
After about 8-10 minutes my another friend came into the group and started chat. He was just talking about some ordinary things which we discuss almost everyday! suddenly I saw his message in chat which was had Bold fonts. At that time I was surprised and excited that I have found another thing. Then I did some search on google and found the way to do it. Then I thought I should also write a little article about it on my blog here so those who don't know how to write bold and underline should also be able to do this!
See below to learn how to write bold and Underline in Facebook chat :)

To write Bold in Facebook Chat:
To write bold in facebook chat all you need to do is just put "*" around your words.
For example if you are writing:
                I am fine
To make it bold, write:
                *I am fine*

To write Underline in Facebook chat:
To write bold in facebook chat you need to but underscore "_" around your words.
For example if you are writing:
                How are you
Then to make it underline, write:
                _I am fine_

To use Both underline and Bold, simply add both "*" and "_" around your words.
For Example if you are writing
                I love you
Then you will write:
                *_I love you_*
Try it and share with your friends to add more fun in your chat :)
Blog Author Written by
Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).