First Social Auction Site! Share and Win

First Social Auction Site! Share and Win
 An auction site is a platform to buy and sell any kind of stuff where sellers show their products to sell and buyers make offers to buy them. When time  of the auction decided by the seller ends, buyer who made the biggest offer for that product wins!
This is a simple principle used on every auction website. Most of you might have already used any auction site to buy or sell items.
But today I am going to introduce you a very unique auction site. A very first site which introduced a social auction system! you don't have to pay a even a single penny to buy any item.
First Social Auction Site! Share and Win
 Sounds strange? Let me explain more about it, on any ordinary auction site you have to make highest offer of money to get your desired product but on you don't have to make offer of money. You have to offer points instead of money :) Getting points for any product is very easy, all you have to do is bid on any product you want to win. You will get a sharing link for that product or you can share your link directly to Facebook or twitter. After you get your sharing link of the product on which you placed bid, you have to tell your friends to visit you link and they have to click on tweet or like. Whenever your any friend will tweet or like, you will get one point.
So if you have lots of friends on Facebook or twitter then you can win any item easily.. And for your Assistance, if you want to make thousands of friends on Facebook then I see my post How to get thousands of Friends on Facebook Process is very easy, give it a try because its 100% free and their is nothing to lose. I would love to see your reactions about this article in comments section below.
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Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).