Change, Disable, Turn Off Chat Sound on Facebook

Change, Disable, Turn Off Chat Sound on Facebook
While chatting or appearing online on Facebook, A default sound will be played every time when you will get a message in chat even if there is no active conservation between you and other users. This sound notification is very helpful sometimes when you have minimized the Facebook window or browsing any other website or using any other application in your computer. But we know every thing has a side effect in this world, this chat sound may disturb you if you have very loud volume opened on your speakers or someone may have any other problem with it. Like most other settings, Facebook lets you turn off and disable chat sound altogether.

To disable it, click on Chat button displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen.
It will show you list of your friends who are online, Just above the list click on Options button and a mini popup Menu will appear. From there, just uncheck "Play Sound for New Messages" .

Change, Disable, Turn Off Chat Sound on Facebook

This is all you had to do to disable chat sound.
 Your setting will be saved permanently with your profile and your IP, browser or your new computer will not effect the applied setting and your Chat sound will not get enabled until you will not check "Play sound for new messages" again.

If you do not interested to disable or turn off chat sound  and just want to change chat sound, download this Extra Plugin which has variety of different chat sounds available and you can choose any one of them you like according to your interest.
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Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).