Fortify Your Personal Information against Websites and Search Engines

online privacy
Last week I was going through newspaper, that I really don’t do usually, my eyes were stoned at news that I would like to share with all lazy bones who don’t find it lucrative to read newspaper. The news was startling enough to leave me gaped-mouth. Well, no more riddles. In a nutshell, your privacy and personal information is not safe, especially when you are using social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. It is not to frighten you, but there are hackers and spammers who do use these websites to track precious personal information of yours.
On other day another news ignited the suicidal tendencies in me. Believe it is true! If Facebook were a country, it would have been the fourth largest populated country in the world. Well, I think I must reserve my comments for this. Because I know, if people were to elect a president on basis of Facebook usage, I would have become the ultimate President of This Virtual country. Keeping the ball rolling, it is crucial and definitely essential to fortify your privacy against search engines and websites. Many of my friends have severely faced the music. Hence, keep an eagle eye on your privacy settings. 
 better privacy

After all these spooky news, I think we should talk about something very easy and beneficial. Do not be despondent because there are certain ways to protect your personal information from website tracking. First and foremost thing that you should immediately do is to change your weak password with a stronger one. Gowalla or Fours quare are the websites, which you need to handle cautiously. Moreover, stop using your credit card or phone number as your email password. I never understand that why the heck people become so blunt over internet. Another superb thing that you can use now is Disconnect, which is a protective Google Chrome Extension. Use this Disconnect extension and deter your personal information from getting tracked. If you use Firefox, add BetterPrivacy to it and forget anything about 'You are being tracked..!!'

chrome disconnect
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Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).