Official Facebook Share Button for Browser

 Official Facebook Share Button for BloggerAll of us visit hundreds of website everyday, read articles, view photos, watch videos and use Social networks like Facebook to connect to our beloved ones and share with them useful and interesting stuff.

Many times while surfing on internet you find something useful which you want to share on Facebook but the sad thing is that site doesn’t provide any social bookmarking option. In this situation, you will have to copy webpage link and paste it in your facebook account manually. But now there is a very simple solution available now. You don't need to copy paste webpages links or Youtube links anymore.

Facebook has provided a Share Button for browser with which you can share anything on Facebook with just one click. No matter that website has any option available or not.

To add Share on Facebook Button to your Browser:

Simply go to Facebook Share Option Page

There you will see a simple Share on Facebook Button.

All you have to do is just drag that button and drop it in your browsers Bookmark Toolbar.

If you don't have Bookmark Toolbar visible, Right click on your Browser somewhere near Address bar and Choose Show Bookmark Toolbar. (Address bar is field where you type website name)

Done? Now you can share anything on Facebook with just one click even if you are not on Facebook
Blog Author Written by
Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).