5 Best Productivity Apps for Blackberry

5 Best Productivity Apps for Blackberry
There is nothing like blackberry now. It is so far the best smart phone, which is being used around the world. Now you can actually think of improving your company's and your own department. Blackberry has the best keyboard in the entire mobile industry. A lot of features and applications can be updated with the help of the Blackberry Application World. Blackberry has recently become the choice of the corporate world. Below mentioned are some of the productivity applications of blackberry because of which the world is a better place.

Have you ever heard of expense manager? Yes, of course every one of you must have had read about it. Again, the question is, have you ever seen a mobile managing all the expense? Well, a blackberry can be the most reliable smart phone which can even manage this. All you have to do is enter all of your expenses in the set, and then later transfer them into your system. In this way, they are directly exported to Excel, and your life then becomes an easier place and everyone remains happy.

I am sure anyone has rarely heard of managing a blog while on road or in a meeting. Verily, blackberry applications has made it possible. An application by the name of wicked, has made it possible for everyone to manage a blog from the devcice and not necessarily from the computer/system. The application is specifically tailored for word press. It offers a complete group of blogging tools.

Usage of fax machines is just too tiring and time consuming. In addition to this we cannot even think of getting an access to the fax machine if we are in a hotel room. With the introduction of an exciting application by the name of ScanR, now you can easily take a picture of the document or file, which your blackberry will automatically convert into a PDF file, and can be transferred in no time.

Previously we used to be hesitant of the fact that if we transfer any file in our mobile phone, then we might lose track of it since it can crash. But with blackberry, you can view any file whether in Excel, word or PowerPoint. All, which needs to be done, is install an application with the name of SugarSync. With the help of this you can assuredly ensure you desktop. If you need to make any changes, they will automatically synchronize to other computers, hence ensuring that no work is lost and every change is up-to date.

Perhaps it was because of Privus mobile that blackberry has reached to the top lists. With the help of this application, the actual Caller ID is brought to your blackberry. Infect, it has the ability to save all the information into the contact list. Isn't this time saving? Every individual who is quite busy, can easily manage calls with the help of this application.

Hence, blackberry along with being user friendly has introduced some amazing applications with which one can easily manage to do a lot. It is more like a mini-laptop.
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