Google +1: What now for Facebook likes?

Google +1: What now for Facebook likes?
Google has done it yet again. It has tried to enter the social networking market, by introducing a new concept, which is quite different from that of other networking sites. Many people had been skeptical over the fact, whether Google can really break the market. There are some features in Google+, which are quite similar to those of Facebook; however they are introduced in an entirely new and innovative way. People like change, and Google+ is a refreshing change. Moreover, people are quite loyal to the brand name of Google; therefore, many people have started using this particular networking site.

We have received dozens of newsfeed on Facebook, where people like numerous things. The 'like' button of Facebook is a unique feature of Facebook, which was introduced by this particular website. You may think that the 'like' denotes your preferences, and what your friends prefer, but there is deeper meaning and logic behind this simple one-click button. Marketers use this button to assess the popularity of a certain brand and also gain attention to new things. The 'Like' button gets more people hooked onto a certain thing. If your friend likes a particular designer clothes' page on Facebook, then you will definitely open the page, and like it yourself. You are also likely to buy stuff from that particular designer shop. So, Facebook is a great way of advertising products.

Google+ realizes the importance of Facebook likes to people, who use this networking site to market and advertise a particular brand. It has also created such an option, which will rival the Facebook likes. You are more often to go to a particular restaurant, if you see that your friends have recommended it. We all have been the subjects of event invitations recommended by various friends and members of the family. New entries in the market always learn from the mistakes of others, and always try to get an edge over the existing companies. Google+ option of recommendations have taken a step further. Many people wonder whether this was intentional and what exactly has Google done to rival the likes of Facebook?

You can allow your contacts and even not your contacts to see different pages you have recommended. You can also see the pages people all over the world have recommended. This makes you assess the popularity and fame of a certain brand, certain product, or a particular place. You can also read reviews of these particularities, which can help you arrive at the right decision. Moreover, Google has the advantage of having a search engine of its own. This button is a step further into Search Engine Optimization. In this way, companies can easily get top rankings on search engines, because of various recommendations. Hence, Google+ will seem extremely attractive for major companies to market their products in an extremely cheap way! And wait! You haven’t heard the name of the button? It is the +1 button, which just takes everything to number 1!

Although Google+ will probably not end up putting Facebook out of the picture entirely, this button is extremely popular. Much traffic on Google+ will be attracted because of the magnetic feature of search engine optimization! In this way, marketing and advertising becomes so much easier. People shall take time to change tracks, however, the phenomena will occur, and the +1 button has a definite class of its own.
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