5 Fun, Low-Cost Apps for Mobile Gamer

Apps for the Mobile Gamer
Gone are the days when gaming was restricted to the Nintendo, X-Box and video games on computers. Technology keeps getting ahead of us, and we are continually enthralled by the different prospects offered to us in the gaming world. Now you can carry your favorite games in your hands, when you are going out with your friends, or you are stuck in the Tube, stuck in the traffic while going home from the office and simply relax. Are you the proud owner of an iPhone? Or even the Android? When you have a smart phone, it is an absolute crime not to have proper gaming applications on your phone.
What’s the best part about gaming applications? They are easy to find on the internet, and some applications may also be free! There are others, which can be downloaded at a very low cost. So, whether you have an iPhone or even an Android, the article shall help you find the best gaming applications, which satisfies the hardcore gamer inside you and also keeps your pocket in mind. Read the information below to get yourselves aware with the totally fun and rad applications, which have created a huge appeal for the masses.
  • A cute guy with a moustache? Trying to save his princess from the demons. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Mario has been with us, since we have been growing. We have played it on Nintendo, and even on the computer. But, if you could carry it around in your Android phone, then wouldn't that be truly amazing? Super Mario Brothers, with its amazing graphics is free for Android phones, so now you can relive the memories of your childhood, when playing this totally cool and totally cheap mobile App.
  • Flick Golf. Are you a fond player of golf? Are you stuck in the taxi, while coming back from work? Well, you can pass your time by playing the iPhone application, known as Flick Golf, where you can take your passion of golf on your touch screen. Easy for people of all ages, the application is extremely cheap! Always remember to get more add on and updates, since new features are continually updated on the website.
  • Who doesn't love to play cards? Nearly all of us amongst us have played one or two card games on computers such as Solataire, Spider and Hearts. Imagine how cool would it be when you are bored at a stifling dinner party, you can take out your Blackberry or Android, and play these games without drawing attention to yourself. Turn the sound off, and 'card' it away! With a cheap price of $2.99, you can get multiple card games such as Free Cell, Spider, Pyramid and much more!
  • Do you have a bit of aggressive tendencies? Are you a red-blooded male, who likes a bit of violence? Well, you can take your violence out, when you are playing Street Fighter IV Volt, which has amazing features continually updated. You can also play it outline and battle with the rest of the world! You can now download it on your iPhone at a minimal price of $4.99!
  • Everyone likes mystery and clues. You can give your brain a chance to think if you play Indiana Jones and the Lost Puzzles! You can follow the clues and beat the bad guys and arrive at your final destination all within the price of $4.19! Give that brain cells a tease and seek treasure!

Mobile gaming Apps has paved the way for amazing time pass, at all locations and at a minimum cost. Gaming industry may be worried about this phenomenon, but then there was no market for Mobile Apps, until gaming was introduced. You can buy these applications in a bulk, add them to your phone and choose them at your leisure!
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