Adding Media within Facebook Comments

Media in Facebook Comments
For a new learner Facebook might be a book full of faces. I heard about it in 2008. Not only me but all of my friends. So together we joined in Facebook to show our faces (as mirrors were not enough at that moment). It was so boring at that time for all of us because of no interesting features or we didn't know about those. We only entered here to see some beautiful girls face. Beautiful girls are available all over the internet but it's always different to see the girl's picture that lives closely around you.

We offered infinite number of friend request to finite number of girls; definitely to no boys as we were not gay. Maximum requests were accepted because the girls were also new in this field. We were very delighted by thinking that the girl, who added me had spent a ‘second’ behind me. We added more and more and after a month I got 5,420 girls at my list among those only 2 were known to me; 1 was my sister and another was the little girl next door who taught me how to use Facebook.

With 4,820 girls in my list, I was still bored with Facebook and was compensating my facebooking times in it day by day. Suddenly a chatting option was introduced with it and I came back with more interests. From that day if I wanted to do something in internet, Facebook was always opened beside the needed sites. So Facebook really backed due to its new feature.

So a special 'feature' was enough for Facebook to bind me to it. There are such lot things in it which will surely bind all the other peoples. If anyone doesn't like chatting, he might play some games or may pass his time by watching so many faces in it.

Such a new feature is posting any videos or photos or any website previews into comments. It can be done simply posting the URL of the videos or website into the comment area. Then anyone in the friend list can run it directly from Facebook. If you want more deep or practical suggestion then please open your Facebook account, comment under your status 'see my wife' and paste this link below it .

The deletion process is much simpler. When a link is added, another option becomes activated below the comment, "If you prefer your comment without the preview, you can remove the preview with one click," Simply click it and get rid of your wife.

There are always some bad sides of the good one. A lot of interesting video are posted now a days, clicking on those may bring you to the land of virus and bacteria. The infection is done much faster rate that anyone can imagine. My experience was much bitterer. A booby lady's picture was showing in some of my friend's status and the comment was 'no one can see this video for more than 20 seconds'. That was enough to pass electricity inside of me. I clicked that and after 20 minutes of directing and re-directing, couldn't found anything. The funny thing was, that booby girl was added to my status bar just after the clicking. My girlfriends were really disturbed for this thing as they are not so much compared with her and some girlfriend turned to 'friend' after that incident.

So always click to the videos after much thinking. Don't go with any unknown things. I think you know better than me about it but it's the only place to show my knowledge; so what can I do!!!
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Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).