Know When Someone Removes You from His Google Plus Circles

Know When Someone Removes You from His Google Plus Circles
The Google Plus is really becoming something day by day. Facebook still now holding its popularity but noises are growing from the Google Plus site. The site is still in its basic level. Each day I'm finding some more features in it. Some projects are carried on to build that site and the response is huge. This writing is for those who are using G+ at this time and who has a few friends and who is too worried about them who are adding or removing him/her from their circles.

For the Facebook users who are trying to admit in G+, I'm repeating some things again. The Circle in G+ is the friend list. Whom you like, you may keep him/her in your circle. Friends in FB are the followers in G+ and removing a friend from FB is just like to un-follow him.

Now if you are really worried and curious to know who is removing you from his circle, you have two ways. The first one is, if you have only a few friends in G+ circle then you may count them each day. At the end of the day if you found any shortage in your eggs; there must be a problem and some chickens are really gone. Just kidding……. There is an option or you may call it extension, named as "Google Minus". It is normally created by the Kynetx for Google. To install it, simply you have to go to the Kynetx webpage , put your Google+ email address and password then to hit the enter button. It will automatically install within a few seconds.

This minus option is also available in Chrome Web Store. Simply you have to download the extension and have to run it to get that. This store is too much helpful to find out any kind of extensions to fulfill your intensions. Just think what you need to make more with your G+ account and find it in the store.

After installation you will not find any sign of the Minus option until someone has removed you. Then an alert will be shown at the top right side of your screen telling that Mr. XYZ has removed you from his circle. Suddenly after getting it, you may call to police or can commit suicide due to humiliation.

Know When Someone Removes You from His Google Plus Circles
Google Minus

Don't think much of these guys and cheeks who are adding and removing you. It's a continuous process. If you want to keep the equal number of eggs, just add another. Yes I know, when someone adds us, the feeling is different. We always like to think that we are appreciated and categorized by others. But when someone kicks us off from his/her circle then things goes worse, as these social networks are now our society and our world. Take this as a lesson; don't do the wrong things again that make you one's X with others. And when you already did it and can forecast that someone is going to kick you off, just kick hardly before him. Not by physically, into this virtual world. Then post a status that you have kicked him/her off from your circle. I think it will help to feel you more relief than adding someone.
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Hello World! I am founder of Learn Everyone and This is my bio. I will change it later :).