6 Smart Phone Battery Bummers and Boosters

6 Smart Phone Battery Bummers and Boosters
Smart phone batteries guzzle juice the way SUVs guzzle gasoline. It’s a bummer that these genius devices are so high maintenance in the power department. Fortunately, there are some power boosters to help you deal with your device’s demands.

BUMMER: Charging frequently leads to frequent charging. Charging your cell phone religiously can diminish the battery’s ability to hold a charge. So you charge more frequently. To make matters worse, each battery has a finite number of charges. The more you charge, the faster you use them up. It’s a vicious cycle.

BOOSTER: Less is more. Stop plugging your phone into the charger every night. While lithium batteries are reported to be less susceptible to the problems created by unnecessary charging, all battery manufacturers recommend charging only when your battery has run down to approximately 25 percent. Extend the life of your battery by charging only when it’s really necessary.

BUMMER: Smart phones are a little passive aggressive. Sure, your phone gives you the urbanspoon app to find you a restaurant. But then it neglects to mention that the app is still running through dinner and dessert, sucking up juice all the while. Oh, and that music app you forgot to turn off earlier in the day? Still running. So are e-mail, your browser, and Angry Birds. So when dinner is over, good luck calling a taxi with a lifeless battery. You can almost hear your phone chuckling.

BOOSTER: There’s an app to deal with apps. AppKiller detects when there’s been no activity and starts kicking app butt. AppKiller even lets you determine the period of inactivity that will initiate a shut down. It’s like the app police.

BUMMER: Fun features are a buzz kill. Using the camera on our phone is like climbing Mount Everest. (OK, maybe not exactly like that.) But the truth is, we use our phone cameras because they are there. And we watch the YouTube video of the dancing kittens because we can. Over and over again. Finally, the battery dies and we can’t use our phones to make a call. And when you are running late for a meeting and you can’t reach your boss, the kittens just don’t seem cute anymore.

BOOSTER: Knowledge is power. Knowing that smart phone batteries drain quickly, it makes sense to have a backup. Smart phone battery extenders provide a portable power source to use when your regular battery dies at an inopportune moment. It’s like having an outlet in your briefcase.

By accommodating this one flaw in your otherwise loveable smart phone, you can have a committed and fulfilling relationship for years to come--or at least until you are due for an upgrade. Maybe the next generation of smart phones won’t even need a battery!

About the Author: Jessica writes about a wide variety of topics.  She especially enjoys writing about technology. You can learn more about Smart phone batteries at http://www.newtrent.com/
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