Taking a Step forward: Google Plus Games

google plus games
If you have been addicted to Farmville on Facebook, then you are not the only one. There are millions of others who love being glued to the screen and playing it away. While much of the population may be fond of these Facebook games, there are some who may be less than fond. There are some amongst us, who are not game fanatics and like their newsfeed not to be clogged with all the stories about who won what and who made how many points and such 'meaningless' information. There are also many amongst us, who are wary of clutter, which is sometimes quite obvious on Facebook newsfeed, because of so much information on one single page. The newsfeed is literally screaming the 'filter option', which Facebook sadly has not provided. Or perhaps not even though of. If Google Plus is looking for ways to stay in the market and take away millions of Facebook users, then perhaps the prayers of the non-clutter people have finally been answered. Readers do not get perplexed. Read the information below to find out what I am talking about.

New entrants generally learn from the mistakes of the ones existing in the industry. There have been rumors that Google Plus is planning to introduce Games feed. Experts state that Google Plus totally should add this feature, if it wants to create a storm in social networking industry. Game-aholics would love having a separate page, where they can 'stalk' the points of their competitors on major games introduced by Google Plus. I remember for once, that when Pacman was introduced on Facebook, I feverishly went through the profiles of those people whom I considered competitors for their Pacman scores. Now, if I could just have had a Games feed, then my life would have been made quite easy.

Farmville is created by Zynga, and it has been officially stated that Google has partnered with Zynga to create Google Plus games. We are yet to see what innovations Zynga brings into the marketplace, but since Farmville has not disappointed us, then the Google+ games will probably rock our 'gaming world'. A game by the name of 'Ocean Plus', already exists on Google Plus. You can create home for fishes and feed them. Imagine having your virtual aquarium! If you have the graphic card, you can get 3D effects! And we all know that the 3D frenzy has truly set in this modern world of today. In this way, Google+ has truly answered the prayers of those computer geeks, who love sitting in front of their PC's all day, and feverishly and competitively tries to get the top scores and also get the 3D animation!

In fact, recent sources have completely shown the fact that Google + will have a separate games stream. For people who do not like 'mindless' gaming stream on their newsfeed, they can heave a sigh of relief. For those people, who would love to have their private gaming world on a social networking site, then they can feel that their prayers have been answered. They cannot just kill two birds, but three with one stone. Socialize, work and play! As Facebook has not realized the importance of a separate Game feed, Google+ has taken advantage of their mistake. This feature is likely to attract multiple users to Google+.
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